
§ Footprints §

Once I searched for salvation everywhere
With my blind mind and sinful heart
Through the breast of this secluded land.
But salvation was smiling at me from somewhere

For my wickedness was myriad.
Thus, I fell down in a swire of this kaleidoscopic world
Between my sin and my life.
Where I lost the chastity of heart and virginity of soul.
And became broken and sectile.
None knew my lamentation
That I wished for a cherubic heart once.
But the voracious mouth of sin engulfed me.
Or I bowed my head before him.
Everytime I wanted or tried to see an azure sky
But never I saw a blue sky in the rest of my life.
Hark! if you follow my footprints
Which I left here in the abyss of sin.
Or if you walk through it
You'll reach here in a nadir like me.
And we cannot open our mouth here..
We will be enchained among blood sucking vermin of a sulphurous hell,
Unlike we lived our past in a world.
Myriapod will crawl through your nostrils
And no one will hear your growl.
Myrmidons of the hell will beat you,
With the edge of sledge hammer in your head

Because of the grudge once you showed
To the downtrodden people of the earth.
And your flexible body will melt in a crucible
The demons would be filling your mouth with embers
For you'd never fed a pauper in your life.
The evil will whip on your back with an anchor.
Where you cannot fight with them alone or together
Sadly but surely that's a frightful sight.
Listen! you don't have life or death in a hell.
Forsee the right paths before your eyes
But, don't follow my footprints.
Or Never follow my footprints; the faded!



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